Well contained construction. In a good way it feels like it is all enclosed in a carpet bag held by a plaid pant wearing door to door salesman.

After a short break here is what came in quite quickly.
Dedicated to the Charlie Hebdo newspaper.
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0 Merci a tous! :) merci pour eux
1 -
2 je suis charlie.
0 beautiful work !!
0 Merci bien @Oyen :)
2 Beau travail, très bel hommage à Charlie Hebdo :)
0 Thanks a lot guys, glad to see your support doesn't change in 2015 :)!
@ chris: no mate, i'm not leaving :)
@http ://www.audiotool.com/user/damnlullaby/: yeah sad is the word... tks man
@http ://www.audiotool.com/user/captain_anarchy/ / @The Seahorse i love you! ;)
0 The drums are great too. Awesome beat and cool little switch ups.
1 Nice one, man!!!! Some very cool synth work in here. Sounds like you're using a mod wheel and a wah pedal! :) Excellent return track! :)
1 I have not seen a long time, come back with a good track,very sad about what happened in France....
8 welcome back first i was a bit scared because i thought you leave
0 Republished
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