fixed a couple stuffs and things again. just a new little thingy for the second drop ^__^
welp as some of you know nitrix is my main motivator and one of the big reasons why i make music. so this is kind of a thank you for him ^___^ huge thank you to MYST for helping with feedback and mastering and stuff like that.
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fixed a couple stuffs and things again. just a new little thingy for the second drop ^__^
haha the stems are up publicly :P nitrix put them up himself i believe ;P
im speshul ^___^
How did you remix this? Gone isn't up for remixing.
more interesting for part 2 of teh 2nd drop. since it just repeats sooo.... yea ^__^
fixed some stuf and things. the chords were too loud after the ifrst drop.. yuck ;P
nice track m8 :)