. . .

t h e p a i n i s n o w o v e r



There were 5 total samples bounced.

A total of 14 AudioTracks,

15 distortion devices (TubeD + Waveshaper),

31 EQs (Slope + Spectrum + Curve),

And 77 devices used (excluding the Centroid and StereoOutput).

[There was also 28 automation used in the process.]


The end result is available for public use, so go ahead and blow your eardrums out with it or something... Hardstyle Kick (Custom)

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  • what's the lesson here? More EQ's = gnarlier sounds? :O

    • gnarly dood!!!

    • Yea but don't forget the distortion too lol.

  • Oh yea.

    Remix is available if you wanna check it out in detail.

    • pf xD

    • I didn't say it would crash.

      I said it would lag.

      Particularly more than my laptop.

      Pay attention.

    • Your chromebook just sucks in general

    2 more
  • NICE