When you fear the dark you hear sounds that comes from nowere.

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  • Alright. Well i gotta start something brb

  • well with pleasure soon for sure ;) at the moment i'm working on the olondro's remix contest but i'v almost finished and i had never finish my collab with tornsage too lol but i promose after that np ;) i let you know about it ok ?

  • Feature and collab

  • join you ? for a feature or collab you mean ?

  • Black Stone. If you want to join up with me to make something scary you can.

  • ok let me know about it ;)

  • Alright Black stone. when i have time to get samples made.

  • strange and powerfull sound, i want hear more from you :)

  • Takes me a few seconds to get stuff done. But not all the time

  • Takes me a few seconds to get stuff done. But not all the time

  • That was fast ;) refav!

  • Expanded :p

  • When i have time i will expand it.

  • I agree with the description. Being alone in the woods does crazy things with your mind! Great start but you need to expand it!

  • Look inside Tornsage x3