Do not drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery while listening to brainwave entertainment. Do not listen to brainwave entertainment if you suffer from epilepsy, any psychiatric disorder, if you are pregnant, prone to seizures, photosensitive, under the influence of medication or illegal substances, or if you wear a pacemaker.
Head in the chimney is a valid factor. Seriously, yeah it happens. As this activates parts of the brain, the energy could release warmth. Just an hypothesis ;)
This started to make me de-realize but in a very pleasant way within the first two minutes, then I sorta zoomed back into life and started looking around my room and was filled with a sort of eye-to-brain numbness at 3 40 ish
im at 9 now and I sorta have this tunnel vision thing where the focal area is clear but everything else feels ultra blurry
Your feedback is much appreciated friend! I have been listening to this for the past days so it's particuliarly interesting to see how each of us reacts. And what's funny is that we have a very similar experience... I am working on another brainwave track (with different Hz unrelated to creativity), it'll be so fun to see if our brains react in another way :)
definitely! it'll be very great for peeps to explore new more genres since brainwaves are quite versatile as you can interpret them in different ways you wish to- very epic to say the least xd
The idea is nice, the scope of Brainwave Entertainment is quite broad: binaural, monaural and isochronic beats, subliminal messages, etc. We could create an infinity of tracks with various frequency cycles, base tunings, and even provide tracks both with and without music to accompany the beats. Also, would be nice to publish a bunch of tracks open to remix with a detailed description to help the beginners