I was inspired by Shakey's track "Fabrique" when I heard it and thought the use of industrial sounds was really cool. This track sounds nothing like Shakey's (and certainly not as good). It's not really even industrial, just has some industrial percussion elements, but not true integration into the tune - I still have a lot to learn. At least the inspiration took me somewhere!
I used some samples I got from freesound.org for some of my oneshots. Thank you contributors at AT and thank you WIM for the hammers, jenc for the "pang" and scuzzpuck for the hammer and bat. Samples are sequenced oneshots in the machiniste for percussion and FX, as usual.
Hammer hits are the new cowbell!!
EDIT: I heard some notes clashing between
when I listed to this on larger speakers, so cleaned that up and also added in some tonematrix toward the end that I forgot about.
EDITEDIT: Argh. Last change... - dadgum tm on the end driving me nuts - it's gone.
hey man this is so good wish i could sing over it ...ah i thinks i will try for fun if you don't like just tell me i will erase the remix ...but sadly my voice will be trap for ever in audiotool hehe o well hope none will get upset :_(