codename : synthaphant

first collabo of daftwill and dabrig

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  • thanks :)

  • cool :)

  • Awesome sounds.

  • Very very interesting. What would you call this genre? Definitely sounded good to my ears :)

  • and thanks off course

  • yes i agree but without spamming ,difficult

  • No problem. I want more people to listen to this one actually. The number of listens is quite low. You guys need to try and fix that. Without spamming of course.

  • thanks starz your feedback is encouraging

  • I'll be honest, at first I couldn't decide if I liked it or not. I felt like there were some cool things going on and other things I wasn't too sure about but as I kept listening the overall sound started slowly growing on me. By the end I was getting lost in the sounds. When it finished I had to listen to it again. By the second listen I was convinced. This is a really cool and hypnotic track. The kind of of music that makes me want to close my eyes and ride the sounds. I like this a lot and highly recommend it.

  • thanks :)

  • realy cool stuff like the last note of the melody got a raw edge to it , like the melody completly do ,,, graet track