Leaving very soon, just gonna let y'all have this before I go

(I'll be back)

It's a bit of a mess but whatever

And by the way, no, Cobalt did not do anything. This was not a collab.

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  • I mean technically it was a collab but whatever

  • I truly thought we accepted this already, so sorry!

    • Sadly I can’t put that this is an Uprooted Audio Release, as I do not own the track and therefore cannot do that from the site :/

    • *clapclapclap*

      Cool nw

  • Republished

    mastering, mixing and junk

    (still bad)

    • correction: you quit this collab, I said I wanted to finish it myself.

      Yeah, please hide it from your page

    • omigud i thot we quit this colab lol...If u told me I would have helped, I'll remove this from my page if you want.

  • Where's the Sub????????

    • It’s there

      I made sure if it

      Maybe it disconnected or something idk

  • welp off to remix

  • Republished

    removed the pulv noise osc

  • bass might be good if only you used a gritty berg instead of pulv noise osc

    • huh

      I can get rid of that easily lmao

  • nani