So,fun story: at some point in 2023 i was searching work in the roblox sphere,leasing my music services for incredibly cheap (15 robux,what a deal!)

so at some point this guy contacts me and asks me to make a bunch-a tracks and ensures me that ill get paid,all neat aight,but i wanted to see if pushing low quality garbage would have enraged him,so i made some bad tracks on purpose,but instead i got praised,which was a red flag (alongside the game being called,and i quote, "Sussy Rats"),so,eventually,i just...bailed,i knew it was a scam,to this day i dunno if the game even came out and frankly,having my name be associated with "Sussy Rats" would have been bad PR for me anyways so,i dodged a bullet.

oh and yeah this is a track from that game

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