In front of destruction, all I wish is to create. Should it be beautifull or ugly, I don't care, as long as my hands create and never destroy, I'll be proud of my work.

Edit : I f*kd up in the mixdown so I'll republished it now with a better sound and a couple modification (new synth and perc.)

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  • ty comatoast !

  • Love this ambiance, went to another place on this one :)

  • thanks locoescobar and ryan wessel, I appreciate

  • nice

  • me nether XD as I cant mix, I only drink beer !

  • oh wow man you ooze with talent and as for my "skills" - i can mix a mean margarita !

  • nice song :)

  • Thanks Torn ! You really are a source of inspiration for my last tracks. Even if I dont have your skills, I do my best =p

  • that's some beautiful piano with a wonderful integration to the beat - love love it :)

  • we must create - we have no choice :) - nice work man !