big things coming.


I’ve been listening to a lot of synthwave recently, and artists like Volant, Essenger, FWLR, FOOL, etc have inspired me to dive into the world of 80s music. The goal for this track was to create something high energy and nostalgic, a track that could possibly fit into a racing game such as Forza. I started off with the intro, looking to create an eerie atmosphere using subtle background fx paired with the crushed arp. The track continued to flow very smoothly, adding and orchestral like chorus and a very straight forward build. The drop itself is deep and brooding, as well as high energy. I wanted it to feel as if you were in a late night high speed car chase. The track then transitions into a synthwave-esque section, kinda of building upon my vision for a nostalgic track. It’s nothing too innovative, just a simple catchy section to keep the listener interested. The midsection then comes in, where I aim to further expand on the orchestral feel of the intro. The tone starts out dark, and as the section progresses, becomes more vibrant and colorful. With the second drop, I decided to go full on synthwave. I wanted it to be just as impactful and high energy as the first drop, so I added subtle layers to the arps and low ends such as the crushed lead to add a more grand feel. the drop continues to progress, making small changes to the melodies and rhythm to again, keep the listener interested. The track ends with basically a bare bones version of the second drop, also reintroducing the melody at the very beginning of the track. then, believe it or not, the song ends.

Thank you all for listening, I hope you guys enjoyed. Good luck to everyone in the competition, lots of amazing entries!

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  • 02:59 Major spaghetti monster vibes for a sec here LOL

    • I love that song. Doctor P is the GOAT and i agree thus Def has spaghetti monster vibes

  • Thank god you left download open so I can listen to this every morning as a jog

    Or just steal it and go looperman >:)

    Jk refav

  • Re-listening to this and I am think you're the PIXL of AT.

  • refav, I swear I like this track of yours the best hahah

  • Banga’

  • "then, believe it or not, the song ends"

    OML only now have I realised that it ends

  • just look at that snapshot like. damn that's so goddamn colorful

  • that bacc that I throw my head bacc and forth and my bacc hurts

  • I swear to god this track sounds like something straight out of Gran Turismo, beautiful

  • bacc

  • ur awesome i swear

    • also just spent the last hour listening to old ass AT tracks for nostalgia. im on a sad, happy high rn.

  • <3

  • newly added explanation of the production process for the track :)

  • yooooooooooooooooooo

    the track has so much TENSION

    lol awesome drops mann deserves to be in top 12 ahahahahha

  • this reminds me of like

    some shit thats straight out of the matrix bro