
I don't know if this is good enough, it seems the same as the original but I wanted to keep the same power that was in the original :) You don't have to put it onto the EP if you feel it's not good enough! But thanks for listening :D


My Left ear in my headphones started to not work as I was making this so it may sound weird.

EDIT: Now a Crescendo in the tonematrix in the middle section (tried to make it like the end of the original)

Flanged tonematrix underneath lead tonematrix in middle section, this flanged tonmatrix continues to the end.

I have a copy of the original one if I messed this one up.

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  • very nice remix!

  • Great, man.

  • Thanks for the feedback! :) I'll get to work now. I tried earlier and it crashed my laptop :L trying it on a computer now.

  • Really nice man. I would like to put it on the EP, but just one little thing that's bugging me is the volume in the part around 3.15 . I think that bit could be a bit louder, or more dynamic. The rest of it is amazing. Great job :)