There are two ways to freeze the reverb. The first way is here:

In there, you simply turn the Decay knob to maximum.

In this demo, I turned the Tank Diffuse to maximum, which "retains" the sound in a several internal components of the reverb, without being diffused. What this does is that you get an almost-freezing sound which is not diffused, but rings.

To achieve infinite freezing for this second type, you have to be artful with your choice of Decay and Tank Diffuse. A good combination will yield a true freeze with this type. This demo does not do that, but you can see how it could be achieved (already the tail is pretty long).

Be aware: if you put in more sounds, it could blow up!

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  • this is the kind of reverb that could really help slap in something unexpected or mindblowing in someone's music

  • potasmic and co—congrats on the beautiful plugin! you've got me inspired to read up on dattorro's reverb design to better understand how it works :)

  • nice! >8)

  • whoa that's awesome! makes me think of a ringing telephone, too! that would be a neat sound effect to build from scratch!

    • I'm gonna experiment with building one, and see how it turns out

    • Yeah it does sound like a ringing alarm or telephone haha

  • thank you for the educational description! I wish more people did that