That Cripta vocal is really in it's element here ;)

Hi everybody! Here again... i think i need some practice again.. too much time without using audiotool. I promise to be active again. Thenks for all!!
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0 2:30 ...the major tonality just tickles me.. refav!
0 <3<3 I thought Id never hear a new Graider tune ever again... a year is a long time! :') the pad brings back good memories of the early days on Audiotool
0 so good! amazing track :)
0 great! i like those stomping kicks
0 thank you guys!! i LOVE u all!! jajajaja. Shit .. guys don't change your names.. now i have some problems to know who are you. @Cripta yeah Eliatrix inspired me a lot
0 i still play often your track Spiral :)
0 ooooooh so happy you are back....and with a great track... this have some eliatrix feelings :)
0 thats been a long time
0 Yah, hello stranger! G1m8:)!
0 it's been a long while you don't publish something :) great come back
0 Increible l' ús que li dones als teus sintetitzadors i el ritme que marca la cançó. Ja has tornat i ja tenim aqui una cançó magnifica.. :D
0 Cool.
0 amazing song man it is awsome and love da cool liuquidy trance bass synth build ups