Maybe the audiotool podcast... But this time i know the name

This song, is inspirated from the band named Cherokee.
You can find them on soundcloud, this tracks are beutifuel and they are French.
Keep believing.
PS : Feel free to remix it..
Hope you enjoy it ;)
Edit : Bass more deep..
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0 -
0 damn it... heard this somewhere but i can remember... I think it was in a podcast or soemthing
0 Ça me fais penser a quelque instrus de La Fronce, quoi qu'il en soit ça roxx du poney !
0 Et comment : Corse je dirai même !
0 Français ?
0 Sounds great!
0 Cool track!!
0 Thanks a lot !
0 This is awesome! Love the feel of the music :D
0 Thanks man !
0 cool beat!!
0 Great atmosphere man!
0 coooool track and atmosphere:)
0 very relaxing