inspired by abstract


im just not creative enough to finish this lol

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  • i love this song!!!

  • I love these chords sad you arent finshing tho ;-;

  • thanks prox lmao


  • am confuse

  • what do you mean abs's version? xD

  • Abstracts version tells a story, of maybe a life, starts off as a little child, makes friends, lives through school and makes friends forever, finds a wife, gets a great job, and then gets old. reaching the end of his life, he passes away peacefully, with friends and family surrounding him, loved ones.

    your version tells the story of a sweaty obese gaylord who's pumping weight to be a skinny bitch who listens to nyan cat all day.

    great job, 10/10, yours is much better than ab's. ;-)

  • You've got some cool stuff going on here. Keep in mind that chords that have a lot of forward tension like this get stale really easily. You shouldn't try sticking to the same 4 chords with the same 4 voicings, because it you do, it confuses the listener. If your chords say, "Hey, listen to this, we're going somewhere with this!" and you go nowhere, it feels off.

  • Turning this into dnb if ya dont mind hehehehehehhehehhhee lawl rip

  • I extended it.

    Do you like it?

  • mind if i use this as a preset in one of my songs to help you finish it

  • your sound design is good

  • Love how the chords and the melodies are working together!

  • join the twerking squad! please!

  • oh im just doing some shit