Hey I'm back to my normal style!

Advice and suggestions are appreciated...

...although this KILLED Next since I currently don't have access to my good computer, so yeah - I literally can't play it or barely open it without it crashing (even though it's not using flash).

Anyway, thanks!

PS: there are hidden samples that I don't want hidden. They are just some drum loop I uploaded from another DAW and some kicks and stuff I also did. You can open the track in the app if you wanna see, but unless you have an overall fast or better yet a gaming computer, I wouldn't recommend pressing play.

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  • Oh rip, i didnt know u actually pubbed it

    • oh that old thing

      first they called me 2.0 because of my dick size

      then they called me 9.0 because of my dick size

    • and y are u 9.0 now?

    • XD did u do something to it? i can repub

  • I can't believe this is still getting faved

  • Back at it again

  • Never knew this existed.

    Solid track, but for the love of all things, make that kick more punchy.

    • Hey! It's a wild Velocistar!

  • Like I said, I come back to this track at the end of EVERY DAY.

  • really awesome basses and grwols and things you got. i never got the hang of making those so i cant really crit those. however, why do you have so much flanger it sounds so weird listening to everything pitch back and forth honestly i would just get rid of that all together

    1 more
  • The basses aren't too bad, but they feel weak from the lack of a sub bass. Try cutting the freqs from 100hz and below and make the sub bass separate, and have it play the notes off the basses (this includes pitch bending). The saws feel a bit thin and could use a bit of layering and a bass layer. Maybe use a basic saw, noise and tube for the bass. It'll help

    • I think I'm Zerod

    • thanks, man - yeah I've still been thinking about doing some stuff with this. your crit will definitely help...


      ...and holy shit ur zerod... :)

    • But overall, this actually is quite a nice track

    2 more
  • Hey, a melodic dubstep track

  • Duuude I really hope you win :) Pretty awesome!

  • Reminds me of Gamma by DJ Striden

    • i really love that song. check out The Gateway by Ben Gold, if you haven't already. It's a lot like it and it's sooooo good :)

  • ooooooo

  • refav <3

  • really awesome work and great use of drum fills and single snares

    • thanks a lot!

      I think you thought this was really awesome Wow, I must be psychic ;)

  • im aroused son!!

    • those words literally define my life XD

  • really awesome intro! i love how you got straight to the chord progression. amazing melodies you got here. 0:25 i would suggest to not use that arpy plucky loud thing until you want it to actually start rising. it would sound a lot better if you wait until 0:32 and then fade it in along with the pitch up. its a bit annoying and too loud.