Thats because this was made nearly 2 years ago when I didn't relly know what I was doing with mastering :P

Remember when I said 'Hypernova' was my most ambitious work?
Yeah, forget all of that.
I'm sitting here now thinking, "Hmm... 12 Pulvs, 4 Machinistes and a load of effects, surely there was a more efficient way to make a track like this" there probably is, but i guess I'll never know....
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0 -
0 BTF real good bro. but clipping the hell out :P but who cares?
0 wow!
0 Yeah, nice sounds, that is impressive, It'll take a little bit to wrap my head around all this.
0 Nice track
0 This is crazy lol i have problems trying to use 3 pulvs and a beatbox.
0 Wow. This is cool. Nice synth work. It may be a bit too much overall but it's impressive none the less. I surely couldn't do it.
0 This deserves way more favs!
0 one day ill find it too
0 love it
0 BIG SONG! I think my max in pulv usage was maybe 10. Certain sections of it remind me of the Phantom of the Opera. Super coolness! :)
0 Awesome!
0 well if you can find me a suitable one I'll use it ;P
0 Yes you definitly deserve it, great track. All there's missing for a feature is a track image (;
0 Cheers reversal :)