''In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.''

- Alice Walker

There isn't enough liquid DnB on audiotool, so here you go, thank me later.

Real proud at dem drums, it took a while to break down and resample the loops.


Take a look at the free template you won't regret it.




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  • holy crap i forgot to give this some love. Great track! definitely not enough DnB on AT nowadays. love the ambient background sounds. also huge props for resampling those loops, I know from experience that can take some time. Drums are awesome, very on point. bass isn't too heavy, and I fucking love that vocal loop you used in the intermission of your song

  • Dit soort muziek is niks voor mij, maar deze is echt heel goed!

  • the end of the vocal doesn't feel right, but otherwise i really like this :)

  • Thanks guys!

  • nice track

  • I feel bad for sitting on this track, because it's quite nice! Especially the break entrance at 0:35 .

  • i dont like this style but this song omg

  • love it !!

  • nice!

  • "There isn't enough liquid DnB on audiotool" lets make some!!!!!

    nice track. lekker plaatje heur

    • eeeh invite? hoe werkt dat ben pittig nieuw op audiotool

    • Als je mij invite, kunnen we samen genieten van lekkere drums en dikke bassen .. :)

    • hahaha yeaah!

  • really cool! mind if u teach me sm stuff?

  • Republished

    subtle changes in the centeroid, turned the sub down a bit, and compressed the vocal more

  • Republished

    Eq'ed/ compressed the drums better

  • good to know you're still around LSD !

    brilliant track

    • Thanks! Good people like you keep me hanging around here! keep it up ! 0:)

  • Very nice mate. Love the drums indeed. One remark ... Drums should be a little louder imo or that main synth is a bit loud ... i dont really know. Love the atmosphere of the track as well. Really good job man

    • thanks for the advice!

    • yeah the're a bit too much compressed i recon

    • thanks etrim!