You and Odera appear to have defeated Hyperdyme Apnea. You separate and are EXTREMELY worn out, but Apnea isn't done yet. He still has a bit of power left to take you both out when you drop your guards, and he was getting ready to do that, but just then, all of the commanders appeared to stop him (Cor Caroli, Del Astra, Del Aura, Arama the First, Mu Phantazein, Chartreuse, and Superior). There were a lot of familiar faces, as well as one commander that you did not recognize. Odera quickly explained that the unfamiliar commander was Superior, one of the most well respected and powerful commanders, and regarded as the (unofficial) leading commander by most. After already having spoken with Cor Caroli, Arama the Second, Del Astra, and Del Aura, Superior explains that he’s called a sort of meeting with the other commanders to finally discuss things. The last time every commander has met like this was right after the commander Ether was lost. He criticizes you, Odera, and a few of the commanders' actions, and declares that a resolution needs to be made, not just in this specific situation, but for every astral being, including themselves. He's been trying to wait things out, but enough is enough. Everything must be addressed, even if he has to rip off the Band-Aid.


As a note, Hyperdyme Apnea was severely weakened to the point where he couldn't handle a battle between a team of the remaining commanders, even in their suppressed forms, which they were in when they arrived.


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  • coming back to the most efficient masterpiece in melodics

    It's just too perfect to me

    I have no idea why this track out of so many bangers, but this is the most true to form video game ost sounding song I thing you have made to me at least


  • imma need you to teach me how to make chiptue dis good plz.