Another one of my one hour power jams on Discord! Tried to learn from my previous attempt at dubstep and made a much cleaner bass out of a sample my friend sent me on Discord. All basses are made exclusively from the sample, only the sub isn't. Feedback is appreciated, and feel free to remix!
If you wanna see me do it live, join my discord server and watch me do it hahahahaha
send me ur samples so I can make basses out of them XD
Everything sounds so lowpassed, it feels like nothing has high end in this. Also the main bass doesn't have enough vowels (I like to have them all the time). The impact in the intro clashes with the sub that comes in. The sub also seems to be a bit too overpowering, I am also using different headphones so I can't really tell what it is. And also try experimenting using different ott presets, I personally like Project Epsilon's OTT V2, because it only uses 3 bands, and balances the highs and lows