I loved Andre Michelle's track "Underwater", with such a dreamy vibe. Listening to it, I saw potential into turning it into a house track. I had this draft for a long time, as inspiration was challenging at times, but finally, at last it is complete. Hope you like it and please feel free to critic my track.

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  • The track has been placed in experimental, due to the nature of the sound in regards to whats popular in the Experimental charts right now and the fact that it was experimentation.

  • Listening to it now, it is certainly a lot better than when it was first published. The drum sequences now have more variation and progression. The extra synth layers have given the track more depth and ambience. Plus alteration of the timing of some sections and adjustment to the sub bass has helped. Thank you all for you honest critic.

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    Hopefully this will be the last adjustment. I decided to follow Dozi's advice, changing the track to a 120 bpm. After listening to it at 120 bpm, I found it sounded better and had a bit more energy.

  • love the ride tuning, i think if you sped it up to around 120 it would make an excellent techno track, very transmat esque, even at 110 it has a very playful experimental nature especially starting around the 2:20 mark, the delays very reminiscent of late 80s techno, overall great track only critique would be calling it deep house

    • I hear what it sounds like at 120 BPM. I am not sure what category to place it in.

  • I think that the drums are a bit too strong considering how ambient the original tracks. I would have chosen less punchy drums and placed less emphasis on the kick drum. Unlike most house and techno tracks, the original track doesn't have a lot of loud and competing synth elements, so heavy 909 drums are overkill.

    I also think that the structure could have been better. The part starting at 3:30 only has a bassline and drums, which sounds too minimal and empty, even for deep house.

  • Not a huge fan of raw 909 sounds but all in all it's a pretty nice remix. Not so sure about the bass melodie in the middle part, sounds a bit off tune. The part at 03:30 is my favorite

  • Altered the bass section in the middle, as it sounded off tune. This was a frustrating mix, as I just could not get it right. Hopefully, this is now of some reasonable standard. I am personally not sure what else to do improve it.

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    Altered drum sequences, adding more variation. Also moved and added synth sections

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    New synths layers were added as well as toned down the 909 drum. Still needs more work. But its progress

  • Honest Critique:

    1. While I like the tonal change compared to the original, the percussive samples were poorly chosen/mixed and are very distracting.

    2. The bassline you've added distorts too frequently and makes this uncomfortable to listen too.

    3. Because of the BPM you've picked, I feel like this would've been a great Glitch-Hop or Synthwave track. The original song was already low-energy and this doesn't really improve that.

    • Thanks for your honesty. Admittedly I am not fantastic with mixing and mastering. It is purely trial and error. My best tracks were when I collaborated with other artists with more experience, polishing off my synth work.

    • Also, keep in mind that I'm not a big fan of Deep House, so you may have asked the wrong person to critique this, lol. ^-^

    • These are just my opinions of course... :/

  • 80's vibe :) (maybe?)

    • However, I do often get inspired by the older house tracks, when house music began around the 1980s. Artists such as Larry Heard, I often like to listen to.

    • ahh

    • Was not intentionally made in the 80s style

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    Made the sub bass little bit stronger