Lol i didnt know how to worlmwith it.mthe tempo could be played with tho, tbh. the motes couldmhave 1 or two diffwrnt or something.

i'm doing this on my own like without aringrey and sonic3ze and ik that it said a group but i think i can pull it off even though sonic3ze didn't helped and i will might get disqualifed but still atleast i had fun
apparently sonic3ze was suppose to help but i don't think he is now D:
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0 if your wondering i changed the title because well sonic3ze is going to help i just hope he doesn't fuck up like last time
0 DV: reverted it back @3ZE don't fuck up next time
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0 i can see you change it to 110bpm
0 God damitt Synth is entering XD I gotta see what I can work on here XD
0 @Aringrey if he doesn't then go ahead disqualifie me atleast i had fun making this
0 he said that he is going to help editing it but those 2 where my edits - DV
0 So did sonic help with this?
If so it qualifies.
0 well i think is good enough i forgot some things but is okay
0 @3ZE sure
0 Lemme help edit this :D
0 Bruuhuhhhh