First of all, credit where credit is due: The background stringy/noise texture is using the pulv settings and chord inspirations found on enjoyyourshoes - Balance found here:

Thanks to @tornsage for recommending that track as his favorite on Audiotool, otherwise I would never have found that great sound! If you love it here, thank them; if you hate it here, blame me and go listen to that track instead =)

So this is my first published track (egads!) and I'm pretty excited to finally put something out there. I have no idea what genre this is, please let me know; my two best guesses are "musickonlaclikes" and "totalanduttercrap" ;) On that note, I'm open to all and any feedback on this track and on how to make better music. Thanks for listening and enjoy your day!

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  • Sandburgen! =O

    Very, very kind of you to listen to this track, and then doubly so to comment on it. You're very encouraging, I'll have to re-listen to this with fresh ears, and seriously consider putting in some time with audiotool... you've made my week, thanks!

  • Not a huge fan of dry 909 sounds. But there are some brilliant elements in here. Very good firstie.

    I fear at the end it's all techno ;)

  • Thank you Seahorse! You're encouraging me to pick up audiotool again =)

  • Great! Hope to hear some newer tracks from you soon!

  • Not bad at all for a first track. Sounds pretty awesome. Keep it up!

  • wow, what a good first track! Should have listen earlier along your second. Keep the vibe

  • woah, sick man.

    This is fucking good

  • grazie

  • Bell'inizio.............. :)

  • adventurous

  • Thanks @Crazy about You ! I didn't think this song was exactly "chill" but I'm happy if it made someone happy =) Could you point me to another song you'd call "chill"? I'm still trying to figure out genres...

    Thanks for the encouragement @Meander ! =D

  • job very well done!!:)

  • Very nice track dude it sounds very chill and for a first track is amazing!