Open to remix

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  • that drop lol its different but a cool different

  • this is awesome supper work

  • love the intro

  • hmmm.. like it bro... good work !!

  • This is soooo boss not even funny man.... great job.

  • now the bassvoice playing the melody is a little scratchy/airy I suggest to try better synth production. I think to myself sometimes. is this a perfect synth? is this a sound i would hear from professionals. again man. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!

  • WOW I am lovin ths!! groovin!!!! very powerfull and inspiring!! a good fighting/ woking out song. some dubstep sectiore too good honestly but man!!! I am downloading this!!! this could be sold for money very easily. this is electro.dubstep done right. I regret not looking atthis right away... this is better than half the stuff out there. even mainstream. amazing!!! around @ 3:00 some stuff like synths could be worked on and drums try EQing them better. amazing!! one of my top fave songs on here....

  • BTF

  • Fuck guys I've been listenin to this since I published it

  • yeah great melody and nice work :)

  • SICK melody

  • How many of you would actually pay for this???

  • you got some style man followin you now

  • Come on guys lets get eight more follwers

  • Beautiful midi notes FlaK :) really cool, not your typical type of brostep and I like that