Comment any thing I should change or fix :)

Aaannd does this have a chance of getting on the single charts? only you can make that happen ;)

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  • Good job on the synths. I love the song but have one critique (you asked me to ;). As you well know, the chords are not alligned with the drums which some find cool; I however feel like it makes the song sound disjointed. My suggestion is to mix it up: allign the chords and drums for some of the song and keep it how it is for the rest of the song. Other than that, this song does as advertised: evokes fear; especially with the synths. Great job on it and you've gained a follower!

  • Pretty good, I like the drop!!!


  • thanks everyone for all the feed back :)

  • I like the chords a bunch! I think the drums overpower the synths a tiny bit, but it's not that big of a complaint!

  • very nice :) phat low end reminds me of xav

  • a little slow

    but good