First is the spread on the hesignburgs. You cranked alot them to 100%. Trust me, 100% is over doing it. It ruins the organization of sound, which may not seem important at a first look but it is.
When I see all of the hesignburgs and pulverisateurs, I notice that you aren't tuning any of them. On the hesignburg, if you SLIGHTLY adjust the semitones AFTER the decimal point, you can create ALOT more variety of sounds. For exampe, on the first row "A", you can have a value of "-00.0932" and on row "B" a value of "00.1050". Just make sure those values are not TOO far apart. On the "pulve" theres a knob under each volume knob that acts in the same fashion, although on this one you adjust in increments that are up two digits BEFORE the decimal point, but make sure that thev difference in tuning values between the knobs are no more than 40 apart.
You are layering your instruments too much. What I mean by that is you have multiple instruments playing the same notes and operating in the same fashion. It's not that you shouldn't do this at all, I still do it for a few sounds. But it seems as if you are making it the basis of all your sounds. In most cases a single instrument should be able to produce the sound you need. If it isn't, it's probably because you aren't tweaking your instrument enough. The tips I gave you above should greatly help you customize your sounds more so that you get the sound you want on one hesignburg or pulve'.
Last is the bass. I deleted your bass and put a proper bass in there. Observe the settings. I also saw that you only put one note for the bass. In a rock band, the guy playing Bass isn't just strumming one note. You need to actually write ACTUAL melodies for the bass too, just as you would for any other instrument.
Now for the track itself. I've added TWO more instruments. One of them is the CHORDS. This is essential to a track just as EGGS are essential for a cake. Open the track, study, and emulate.
I get what your saying about that bass. I listen to just the bass and drums, and I really got that rock feel. It's really cool. Mind making that bass a preset for me? <3
notice the differences at:
. I lowered the volume on some of the stuff for a few seconds so you can hear the new sounds clearly. The last part, you should clearly see the difference at
when i take away the two sounds I added.
That means you have t cut out what ever sounds you had in the 4 beat of that bar and replace it with the green audio clip so you can keep the 4/8 beats per bar throughout. Now there are occasions when you can break this rule, but they are very specialized. I used to get this wrong too when i first started
Notice how when you bob your head to the beat of song, you either bob your head 4 or 8 times before the song either loops or goes to the verse? In your original, you had a "1,2,3,4, then audio clip. You've just added and made it 5 per bar at that point. It's actually goes "1,2,3, then audio clip.
Also, I forgot to mention another important aspect. At
, there's an audio clip that was originally at
in your version. The reason why I moved it back is because you are breaking the 4(or 8 depending on how you look at it; 4 x 2 = 8) beats per bar.
if anything doesn't make sense, just ask. The description box is limited so I couldn't be too elaborate. There's a lot more in this track that I couldn't go over, so you're gonna have to open up the track and see the other details.