o wow u used this vocal b4 me no class (opi flip)

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0 -
0 But in terms of the track, I love it. My very favourite thing in drops is when the producer uses the vocals and chops them up, like in Mind by Jack U. Or the last drop of Blood, by Getter and Georgia Ku
0 I really want that snare at the drop to be different. The kinda snare Jack U use would fit perfectly!
0 dude....
0 i loved that vocal breaks!
1:25 --> that killer synth maaaannn!
0 duuuude
0 This is impossible, how was this not charted?
12 Would like a side of fried 1:09 with your chicken?
0 This is a classy kind of crazy
15 Is this what country music sounds like?
6 im disgusted
21 do not play 01:09 out loud at school unless you want people to suspect things
0 Explicit anchor
0 nice, this is pretty cool :)
0 orgasm and shit but that hoe live