love it

As usual, dunno what this is
It's ite tho
Please comment, lemme know if i should change anything up, different mix/eq etc
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1 -
1 nicely done
0 Thanks man! :)
0 this is tight <3
0 that vocal chop is dope (if it is one)
0 very futuristic-y
0 Great music man i love it!
2 Yeah, man. the dude below said it perfect. killer track. I love those hats!
1 Awesome sounds. Love the oriental touch. Agree with Gray OUt.. the hats are a little bright or loud. Really cool patterns though!
1 woah dude
1 oh shit bruh i wasnt epecting this
3 u don't need 2 do shit 2 this tack bruh its lit
1 dammn
1 2:30 sounds amazing jeez
1 the break dude