Kepz recommended that I make a track out of my fail Pryda snare, so I did. I made this "EDS club banger bigroom sweet track in like 1 day lol" using only that snare sample. Also, I slapped on a global compressor, like a real big room producer.
Like the previous tracks in my "EW THAT" series, tones were created using the Machiniste filter with high resonance. I'm actually quite satisfied with the banger bigroom kick that I made by layering three instances of the snare.
Snares: Inavon_Pryda snare
Kick drum: Inavon_Pryda snare
Hi-hats: Inavon_Pryda snare
Rimshot: Inavon_Pryda snare
Crash-ish:Inavon_Pryda snare
Big room stabs: Inavon_Pryda snare
Vibrato lead: Inavon_Pryda snare
Bass: Inavon_Pryda snare
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