Okay, first of all...i would like to let you know that i am currently working on the 250 follower milestone, ill publish as soon as i can...in the meantime i made this.

The idea for it came from a bass loop i heard, the riff was stuck in my head and i remade it in the pulv, its not the exact same riff mind you, my ears arent still good enough to detail every note in the bass guitar by memory.

This track however, is the most wet track i have made, featuring about 12 or so effects, and all im using is a pulv and a beatbox 9, so the effects are being used to get some cool sounds from the already known instruments. Also im experimenting with Compression on ALL CHANNELS at once and Reverb, so i can then do some EQ work and finally route it through a Graphical EQ to the main output (my main set up...i may need to start making better workspaces).

All in all, i liked how the song came out, but im still a bit peeved by 2 things:

1. Im not sure the final tweaks worked to balance the sound

2. I have no idea what genre this is...

If anyone has ay idea about these 2 things, let me know, id love to know what ive made. :P

Actually, this song was made when i was going through one of those phases most of us musicians undergo, the 'ole "what-am-i-doing-im-not-good-enough-my-tracks-are-shit-and-i-cant-make-anything" phase...you know, the one where you questions youself and your ability as a creator of these sounds. But it was only when opening draft by user "Versus" that i was hinted that im not doing anything bad...just different.

Versus made some great tracks with minimal setups and clever effect and automation usage. Who says i cant make a great track with only a pulv and a beatbox? No one that i know...i was reminded that great music can be made with either only one instrument or many.

So...thats that...ENJOY!! :D

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  • Very good! Check my track Spectrum, please. Greetings from Tuscany!

  • Nice beat and bass sound ! :) (and cheers for your comment :) )

  • I'm liking that synth man. Excellent {=)

  • AWESOME as always Poly! =D

  • thanks fauko, just working with a basic setup: one drum machine, one synth...an actual real life set im working my way to having, makes it easy to play live and work with raw sounds of the instrument rather than drown it in effects...

  • btw

    1 - sounds great on my speakers

    2 - it's electronic ;)

  • PC, i love this track. the simplicity of it just lets you concentrate on the groove that you have going. and that is an awesome synth sound. great work!!

  • thanks novj37j :D

  • good track

  • glad you like it mike

  • gotta fave this :D

  • and breadloaf :3

  • thanks levi.walsh :D

  • groovy :) nICE BASS MAN(soz caps)