The Final Countdown remixed in Audiotool :) This was made by me :) This is my most ambitious project to date, as this has 11 pulverisateurs! ELEVEN!! Ahaha enjoy! :)

Edit: Volume

Edit: Some synths

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  • Dude your tracks r so nice! I lovee this melody and that lead synth!

  • the main synth at 0.14 could use some reverb, for the rest: great job!

  • Love that sub :D

  • Really nice :D

  • Republished

    Changed some leads

  • really cool.

  • nice!

  • Now somebody give the guy some vocals!

  • Now somebody give the guy some vocals!!!!

  • Haha superb! Some synths are a bit to clean (sine?) but I love the effort! I remember doing a playback on this with my friends when we where ten. Cardboard cilinder drums! Wooden guitars & self made wigs <sighs>

  • O that was good working more on the sound and this could go way better i love they idea ....

  • Gr8, m8.

  • Sweet cover.

  • Awesome!

    The main synth, i think, has a little too much attack. :P

  • Thanks Dominick! :D