Gracias @Jambam ....
Gracias @Aguilar Fonseca ....
Gracias @shakey ...
Por sus comentarios ..............
By C l3t3chipia & Menina
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Gracias @Jambam ....
Gracias @Aguilar Fonseca ....
Gracias @shakey ...
Por sus comentarios ..............
I prefer the first half, that bit's really good :)
CABRONA! muy buena
Great stuff!
Je, Gracias a todos .-.-.-.
Good ! Re-fav !
good job.
Instant love. Instant love.
Nice nice nice nice!
Impressed by far my friend. I love the way you pan at the end, super good use of my favorite effect. Fav :)
Dig the pic (where did u get that?) and the way you changed this audiotrack : sounds great !
... If you liked the sound I'm happy Ryan Wessel ....-.-___./
Exactly. Crazy stuff - no Guitar / Thanks dronealpha .-.-.-./
sweet drums sweet synths sweet vocals. guitar? i've not heard anything better today. awesome C L3T3CHIPIA. mad stuff. love it.