I am in complete Awe. How are you composing with such fluidity across 3 machinists.?! Whats the trick!? your delicate use of volume to add expression is just fantastic. Where i am completely debilitated by AT because i can't seem to make the jump from a keyboard to dots on a grid... you seem to have it all figured out! Bravo!
Thanks everyone! Actually, this piece is dedicated to everyone that's involved in my blood disease, including the hospital staff and my unknown bone marrow donator. They don't know anything yet, but I'll tell them when the whole thing is over as a surprise...
: Really nice to hear from you that you've got a track of mine as your favorite track! To make a ritardando, just ignore the grids...
This is my favourite track on audiotool, hands down. It makes me so happy! Also, how did you do the ritardando at the end? Audiotool doesn't have a tempo edit?