I always thought that the guy in the cover was a karate guy with his arms up looking about ready to fight >xP

This song sounds sad, thus the picture to offset that. Enjoy.
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0 -
0 revisiting this..
such amazing chord progressions...
0 Yeeeeeeeeeeesh adiotool gods are in your favor lol love your jams
0 Its joel from the last of us and endure and survive is from ellie and her comics savage star light
0 love it :)
0 Them chords are spot on and this track is just a legend, why only no. 9?
0 geez this is a banger man
0 Damn! If only I was half this good :(
0 more emphasis on the chord progression.. less melody in this, but I still hear it
0 <3 I like this version better!
0 omg 2 gud!
0 i luv it 4
1 The heck. Was about to call my new track "Endure". Cheers bud... Oh wells, amazing track as usual!
1 :O that synth at 1:51 . magic.
0 cool :)
Though, I think you should make it more exciting