Hey guys here is my first release under my new name Xeron. This track was loads of fun to make and I thought the crowd effect, and using reverb really made the track have a cool 'liveish' feel to it.

Also I really would love for someone to remix one of my songs it would be really cool!

Thanks for listening!

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  • Why i never heard of u ;c

  • lol 420 plays! Blaze it!

  • This is awesome!!

  • but please fix the sub!!!!

  • Thanks guys for all the love this track has gotten it really is fun to see!

  • Thanks so much man!

  • you really earn the favs and follows man!

  • Dude, you're new and you're amazing. Tell me your secret.

  • Thanks so much guys for making this be on popular for a bit!! :D

  • Very Cool!

  • Congrats! You reached popular with this amazing jewel bro!! Well done! Told you it was great! XD you rock mate! :)

  • i just love that intro

  • the intro notes are soo smooth!!! but the sub keeps on bothering me :( please fix it! still love this though, great song for a guy hardly anyone knows about, again, you need promoting!!!!

  • damn nearly 50.. so close bro!!

  • Nice stuff man!