Well, I was looking through the suggestions and requests for Sunday's promo and I was heavily leaning towards the bass genre, more specifically ANK, when I stumbled upon this song. It was a fun house song, well I think that's what it is, and it was definitely underrated! This guy only has 8 followers as of writing this and 10 favorites on this track! That is insane! Now I know many may not enjoy this sort of music, but I think this definitely deserves some love - Go show him that!


Do not favorite this track. Head over to the right of your screen and click the label "Original". Favorite that or if you want to help us out as well, favorite both this and that. But Original is preferred if you choose to only favorite one.

Cheers, @okayyy

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  • lol

  • thanks :)

  • Lol i wasnt complaining. Your choice was brilliant bro

  • i wish people would stop complaining about how i chose to promote eidolon. his song was incredible and a quick glance at about 3/5ths of his followers would show most of them aren't active anymore

  • That is true. Even though the numbers arent as big as Eidolons, they are huge to emilian mk

  • EIDOLON has about 100 or more followers this guy has 10 (including me)

  • I guess its really up to the track and how mainstream it is of how many favorites itll get. eidolons song was universally liked. anyone can like that song lol

  • well at least we got him 12 more favorites xD

  • I can't remember why I looked at the other, so I can't say it was spam

  • Yay u guys promoted this track :) me happy it was a great track

  • i didn't spam xD

  • Yeah probably. :p I just really liked the song and felt he didn't get the attention. Now I don't know where the attention is. EIDOLON got loads of it. Did Jake spam or whats going on?

  • I was the one who suggested this! :D

  • Either this was a huge fail picking this or Jake spammed, but this reached nowhere near the amount of attnetion as the last one :p

  • Favorite the original... not this :p