Thanks @P.W.N. I appreciate it.
Enjoy this techno flavored song. Sit back and wonder with this clam but wild dance music playing through your soul! (a.k.a. I was bored so I wrote something cheesy!)
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0 -
0 cool man keep it up
0 forgot how to make links lol oh well! >_<
0 thanks! @JakeTyler and the remix is a no it won't let me reopen the song!
0 very cool
0 Can you put up a remix?
0 Did you make all the synths? or are they samples? or presets?
cos these are rly good :D
0 Hey man this is rly good. I think youll like this :D Ursa Minor
0 Thanks @UniverseCosmic !
0 awesome synths! n_n