I tried EDM. Did it work??

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  • I know, the melody is kind of edm-ish

  • lot of potentional doe

  • lot of potentional and EDM is a big gruop of electronic dance music stupid fuck (jkjk abaout stupid fuk)

  • Btw, Big room is supposed to have a lot of reverb...but not that much. Make sure the reverb you set has the room size down to 150-155. And set the reverb level to 20-30% depending on how much reverb you actually want. Also, a nice touch would be do damp that sound (on the "damp" dial, set it between 10% and 20%). Other than that, Good job!

  • Nice Try man! EDM like this is hard to do on AT. that lead at the beginning sounds like "er er er er erer errrrr" XD but thats not how its supposed to sound. Its supposed to sound like "ee ee ee ee eeee EEEEEEE!" XDD Nice melody!