just a quick little entry for my first ever time participating in ATD

no idea who you are Moku but your marimba preset is incredible

1st Movement: "Trail of Memories" | 0:00

2nd Movement: "It Could Never Be Perfect" | 3:12

3rd Movement: "Tip of the Spear / Ties that Bind" | 6:35

4th Movement: "Brighter Than a Neutron Star" | 10:21

5th Movement: "To Turn Back Time" | 19:48

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  • This is so completely epic!! I agree with Nas, 4th movement is definitely bae, but 3rd movement is a close 2nd (lolwut)

    Bravo! This felt like reading a really good short story. There's so much wonderful composition and the sounds all mastered nicely. This has remixable potential out the "you-know-what" lol

    Love it love it love it. Please keep creating 💜

    • I was gonna ask about using it in my campaign XP

    • I don't doubt it! :) Thanks for sharing your art

    • as far as I know two tables are actually using this music in their campaigns already

    1 more

  • incredible (◕‿◕✿)

  • the 4th movement is flat-out lashmush and I love it so much. The organ is too good

    • You really put together something impressive. This should not be doable in audiotool, but with the right approach anything can be done in this DAW

      Thanks for the inspiration! I'm gonna make some prog stuff now

    • feel free to steal it, I purposefully created the organ but I just happened to stumble into the right waveforms on accident to make it sound so real, extremely proud of quality of that synth

  • "just a quick little entry" 😳

  • Republished

    one last republish before the deadline

    bit more heavy mixing changes

    toned down mastering to feel less compressed and more real

    melody overhauls in a couple places

  • Republished

    mixing/mastering and balance adjustments

  • That's a lot of tolling

  • love it!! great bombastic drumwork, so awesome :~) the sounddesign is perfect! top soundtrack music!!

  • So cool seeing you make huge work now! Must've been a daunting task.

    • the daunting part was learning how to make these simple synths over the course of 12 years, the composition not so much

  • "First time participating in ATD"

    Bro's got a cheat code with this one.

    But holy shit absolute masterpiece.

    • Was not expecting the synth solo but hot damnnnnn

  • Wow!

  • oh damn this is really good!

  • Makes me want to play some Castlevania (pre-Lords of Shadow).

  • i like how it builds so slowly but doesnt sound repetitive in the first movement

    • listened to the whole thing without pausing