Hi and welcome to...THE FIRST EAR RAPE COMP IN AT HISTORY!!!!!!! (i think xD). This is my first contest ever (AKA this might end badly I dunno). This idea came to me while I had a short conversation w/ S3RPINTINE on a song that had a rediculous ear rape and I'm deciding to go thru with this plan. VERY IMPORTANT: I have literally nothing so don't join if you're only in this for some prize. Only thing you're getting is a potential...

1. ringing in ears

2. 3 day headache

or better yet...

3. hearing aids cuz I blew your eardrums out (FYI by joining this comp I'm completely not responsible for any hearing damage dealt so no suing allowed)

Anyway some rules:

.I shall lend you 8 mighty weapons of mass ear rape, you can use these or use your own samples up to you

.All entries must be in in 2 and a half weeks ( or by the 20th if you're technical don't worry I got you ;) )

. I'm experimenting with a method to keep track of which songs I've heard. After the entry due date I will like your song if I heard it and have judged, so if your song is liked by me don't edit it. if not edit all you want.

.This is 100% for fun please enjoy yourself, ik the community has been kind of edgy here and there and I'm hoping this will at least brighten some people's days. No hating or anything like that, and this is the one thing I'm serious on.

I'm judging on two things:

.Ear rape level

.Is it amusing. It doesn't have to ne funny but I usually find these things amusing. I'm pretty easy to make laugh so try your best to get me rocking on the floor and you should be set.

One last thing. Please spread the word on this. I want to have as many people join into this comp as possible and you'd be doing wonders by rallying some of you're fellow artists into this. I better be freaking deaf by the end of this, don't let me down guys!

Good luck everyone and without further ado. let the games...begin

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