Hey, I made a track, looky there...but it's not an original one so I am going to keep the will up on my description, if you would like to be a part of that please state so on my wall.

Any way I had wanted to make this for forever but never really had enough knowledge to do so, and I know there is probably major EQ problems... but hey... I'm not perect!!! Nor am I the best. So I challenge you to listen, comment download...maybe even try to remix... I would love to hear all your versions.

I want to thank every one for all the advice they gave me, I really appriciated it (ignore spelling errors)

I have republished this so every one be happy, this should be way moree better than the first one I made.

I want to thanks @Infyuthsion for the amazing help he gave me... ya He is really awesome, but you all new that soo... what eves... I'm still sick.



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  • good job its better than I could do I know next to nothing but im trying for some reason I always fail(sorry if you get this twice I don't think it sent the first time) but again great job

  • Very nice synth !!!! LIke it !

  • I like your take on this, its cool. I agree with JakeTyler about the mids on that pluck though

  • The lead synth is a bit too much for my lowpassed ears, but the synths very epic, excellent work Cally!

  • Chicken :) lol. and nice track- i don't have a problem with the mid freq, but there ya go. really nice :)

  • i like it :D but the pluck that used to be her vocals has a nasty mid frequency that hhurts a lil bit and its chewing up the mids of the other synths.

    apart from that absolutely great - like always ;)

  • Great piece of music.... Props for making this!

  • I think the EQ'ing is great!

  • this is rly cool, u like remade the whole song! :P

  • nicee synth work in this, check out my beats too

  • Woah.

  • CONGRATS, in popular! :)

  • oh KATY..... i got to see her when she first did warp tour :D she played that song i kissed a girl and i liked it lol.... great remix callykay .... only thing i could say is try to bring out the kicks in this a bit more.

  • Amazing remix, great synths! I really like it :)