Big thanks to @Tim Derry for being such an icon on the site, as well as such an awesome producer to look up to! And thank you to @SIREN for the sick vocal version, check it out: PHONES (Vocal Version)



It's out! I've been planning on making a YouTube series where I do tutorials on how to sound like your favourite Audiotool artists, and I finally finished the first episode of the series (which sat in my drafts for over 5 months unfortunately). Here's the 1st episode of HTSL AT Edition, How To Sound Like Tim Derry!


YouTube link for the video: (coming soon)

Please do consider following my socials to support me outside of Audiotool. Tell me if I did an accurate representation of Tim in this track! Hopefully he sees this hahaha. Be sure to share this with your friends and leave in the comments down below who I should do the next video on! Peace :)

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  • Not sure if was intentional bc of the title but i just imagine a data plan ad with this music

    "Save when you switch to straight talk with unlimited nationwide talk and text for only $50 a month!"

    • It's the bassline

  • Fire


  • Ok i already told you in dm what i think about it, but a comment is always nice to have on a track : great job man, you nailed, i see all of my 'signature' sounds gathered in only one track and i'm just feeling both uplifted by the song and thankful that you took the time to create this track ; thankful to see that i could have inspired you.

    Even the cover, the title, the splitters & mergers, the one-shot samples... everything! I appreciate the effort and above all im loving this phonky tune ;)

    • [top comment]

    • and just when I thought I have calmed down you do this to me Tim. Time to phonk some shit up, thanks for this! Your comment has officially given me inner peace hahahahah

    • Its the man himself

  • Throwback to when i was in my prime 😫

  • This is now my top track 😳

  • i like it


  • Immaculate!


  • It's up to hope the we can allow this to reach 10k plays. (And maybe a lil bit of replaying this song over and over :) )

  • 8k?????? holy shit y'all must really like my funk shit xD

    • :0 i mean like look at the snapshot and it says liltim

  • holy fuck. ok when I first went to AT a year ago I never expected me to get this far in such a short amount of time. Like, tf? Top funk track of all time? I can't thank y'all enough for the love on this track <3

  • I thought the cover was some crazy looking DS but then I realised this is called Phones-

  • when the same track, just with vocals charts in the same charts with the song charted

    • yes

    • then that charted song will chart alongside the other charted song on the charts for as long as the charts live