-Gravi's Summary: A proof of concept for a "battle collaboration" in the form of hybrid track that combines Glitch-Hop, Electro, and Drum & Bass. HEAVILY inspired by the "Battle of the Bands" scene from "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World". Round 1 was me, Round 2 was Vulk, and the Final Round was a Tag-Team Match.
-Vulky's Summary: This draft gave my PC tuberculosis...
-Description: "I never wanted any of this. All this pain and destruction could've been avoided. The Wrath of the meteor is only meant to be used under dire circumstances. I thought that showing you the true power that you were so afraid would justify my feelings. It honestly didn't, and now I am alone again..."
Part of me wanted to use the Announcer from Halo instead of Mortal Kombat in this, but I'm kinda glad that I didn't tbh. Still got plans for it though... ;)
PSA: Battle Collabs are not advised for weak people and/or cpu's. Making this caused my laptop to have a stroke and I could only really work on this with the super strong PC's at my college.
Please proceed with caution if attempting this type of collab.