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  • it's me!

    • for the album/world of MACHINES, kan.aris is meant to be a supercomputer intelligence. in real life, i name my server kanaris, my laptop kanary and my desktop kurp, but it'll be kai next time. i had an alt account called kanaris on discord and i only used it to do productive things. now i feel like i can use that name since all i do is productive things now... lol

    • so this was long hinted at and none of us knew apparently lol

      the long time bamboozlement........

  • i just realised this sucks

    • sorry but the only good part here is the second part

    • if this sucks that means i should quit making musiic

    • also no

    1 more
  • That drop was cool

  • fuckk

    great one

    • Let me know if you want me to convert the matrix random pattern into usable midi

    • might definitely want to mess around w/ these sounds

  • I'm amazed that this was made with only 2 synths

    • thats how things be around here

  • you always use pulsar delay so freaking well

    this is amazing

  • Very cool track, though sadly I have absolutely no clue how to use the Waveshaper at all. Also, I think you could soften the track a bit, maybe by decreasing the gain or using a gravity since I think it is on the verge of clipping in some areas.

    • maybe I've just grown used to your genre.

    • its actually clipping all the time but i never hear the difference tbh