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  • you get a c

    • good enough for me YAAAAAY

  • love this one especially that airy synth in the background

  • messing with this right now

  • it is, now just do different variations of Layer A + B (8bars) Layer A + C (4Bars) Layer C (2bars) Layer A+B+C (4Bars) etc...

    It's really a lot of fun to see how much milage you can get out of a few chords and melodies.

    • you're right on track to make some classics @titik

    • but jokes aside ur right, i mean... look at kurp... he can create whole soundscapes with just three pulvs alone and i mean... i can do that too.... but with how i do ambience, it's gonna be like if pherogoo learned how to do dub techno cause thats honestly my goal lol

    • no naswillington the II i will not do 8-4-2-4 i will completely forget to do that and instead do 9-3-59-23-8 because do NOT expect consistency from me AAAAAAAA

  • basically, just needs to be 7min long :D

    • lies must be 14 mins long obviously