if any of you are wondering, yes i did create this beat in under ten minutes. as you can see i didn't have enough time to fix the bass and mix and master. but i was able to create a pretty catchy melody. ya'll should really give this challenge a try it does really push your limits on creativivity

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  • Bro i get very few likes on my stuff, but i gotta keep pushin. Plus this bitch tuff keep it up.

  • Really good song! Really cool how you made this in ten minutes!!

    • And uh....Just letting you know...People go through shit. Life happens. You may get played by girls. VSD may get ignored by girls. I may get bullied and forgotten. But that's life. This is a really good song. Don't quit because people aren't looking at your work. Raise your head higher

  • And I see you listened to my No Love song

    That's the meaning of it

    People go off of looks and not anything else the world is trash now

    See what I'm saying? I can relate don't worry