Played around with one of my alltime favorite chord lines composed by Tim Smith of The Cardiacs who unfortunately died last year after a cardiac arrest. The whole song is a little to complex for me to make a full cover. But it was fun and carried me back to the moment I heard this melody for the first time during one of the weirdest and most intense live shows I have ever seen. And I saw a lot

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  • how did I miss this?

  • Hmmmm never heard of the Cardiacs before you mentioned them pal, they look proper mental, going to check em out. This is very unusual and graceful, nice track sandman ;)

  • WOW great music and good work, love the melody and groove in the cords :)

  • This is amazing

  • Very nice ! Love it

  • sing to god is one of my favorite albums of all time! awesome tribute!

    • Thanks btw :)

    • Yes masterpiece. I discovered the newer albums pretty late. maybe 2019 After I saw them live in the late 80s I bought some of their stuff and sold it again pretty fast because I needed money for Techno records and temporarily lost interest in any other genre. Their discography is finally out on Spotify since January

  • Ooh I like this alot! Also F for Tim.

  • Woah, these melodies! And the background fits so well!

  • Republished

    arpeggiator mistake