The brilliant rays of the evening sun

captures the passion within your eyes

radiant and burning, full of life

your pounding heart

becomes one with the forest

The subtle ambience moves in pulses

Colorful memories of this happy place,

but just a painted future with emotional taste

you've never been here, though you feel you have

you long to stay here, yet it will never last

This dusky forest on down the road

So far away, but so close to home

If you could walk there you would never leave

Until you realized this one little thing

Like the fruit that's ripening on a tree

only in memory is a moment so sweet


Meaning: the inspiration for this came from the realization that you never truly know the value of a place or moment until it has become a memory. Your mind (or at least mine) has this way of romanticizing the past. All of your memories, over time, becomes vividly painted with emotion and within you is a longing to go back to that time or moment (or maybe to attain a vision or dream), but if you were to physically revisit (or visit) that time or place, you may not (in that moment) feel the strong connection or longing because you have it and you are there. Your mind also seems to work in moments, and, because of this, you always wonder "what's next?" The result tends to be either defeat, or a drive to attain that dream and sustain it.

Because of my faith in Christ, I know that ultimately, His will and his plan for my life will be fulfilled. I know as well from scriptures that all things work together for the good of those who love Him. When He left Earth just a few weeks after being lifted from the grave 3 days after Easter, He left the Holy Spirit to fill and guide the believers as they fulfilled their tasks and His purpose for their life. I fully believe that the Holy Spirit will guide me through my time here on Earth. In my journey to fulfill my callings and purpose, I am learning that memories are to cherish and dreams to remind us there always something more.

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