Track #5; aiming to release the album around Jan. 2nd :)


Lying on the broken glass, I know

Empty Promises don't last..


But we had is all.

We had it all.

We had it all.

We had it all.

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  • WTF

  • FffFFffffFFFF

  • fuck dude


  • yooo, big yooo

  • holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

  • Dude whatever you been smoking lately, keep buying and pass me some cause whatever it was, you've ascended to a new level :D

  • Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyeeeeeeaaaaaa

  • Republished

    Added an actual outro

    • Yeee, never realized that slowing down the bpm actually pitches the reverb down as if the sample isn't time stretched Can make for some pretty interesting effects

    • Love the new outro, did u mess with the bpm? cause it had a super cool effect

  • only thing is I'm not sure if I love the ending.. but that could just be personally preference on outros i guess ;)

  • <3

  • jesus christ Kryptic

    your new tracks rn are KiLlInG mE


  • i. fucking. CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!!!!!!!! 3:12 omfg it hurts!!!!

  • Ur too good

  • Dude